Monday, August 3, 2015

Raising Hell

Being away from my son Austin for many years on end was probably the hardest thing I’ve had to do in my life. Now that I’m out of the Navy and able to spend time with him I’m starting to realize some things. See, before I left on my last tour in the Navy, I had him with me at least half of the week, every week for three years. Before that, I was still with his mother and they moved with me everywhere they could, so I was able to keep up with him a lot more. This summer he was able to spend the summer with me and I was able to get to know him again. What I have come to realize is that he is a little terror. Austin is a very smart kid, he tested in the top 98% of the nation in math last year, and he can pretty much answer or figure out anything you ask him. The problem I have had this summer is that I’m finding that he is either really lazy or lacks common sense.

          If you put him on Khan Academy and give him a homework assignment, he will ace it. If you tell him to do his chores or help with something he doesn’t want to help with, he has a million questions for you. When he wants a snack from the top cabinet, he’ll climb all over everything and get whatever he wants; but when you tell him to put that item back, “he can’t reach the cabinet it goes in”. I think a big part of his problem listening to me is a result of me being gone so long. Before I left he was a pretty good kid. I guess with me being gone so long he just doesn’t take me serious. He gets me so frustrated sometimes and other times he makes me so proud.
          I’m really happy to be able to be with him all the time now, regardless of our issues. I want to do so many fun things with him and teach him everything I know. I hate when I have something fun planned or want to do things with him and he does something wrong to make me have to punish him instead. I know he is just a kid but when he wants to act big and smart I want to treat him big and smart. It’s a pain in the butt when he conveniently loses his common sense or “doesn’t know” something just to get him out of a chore. I just want him to do really well in life and I’m trying my best to make that possible.

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