Monday, August 3, 2015

Get The Training Before You Hurt Someone

        Most people think they have “The Right” to conceal carry a handgun around anywhere they go. I 100% agree with that statement, however, very proper training should be given and maintained in order for Joe Blow to carry a weapon near my family or anyone else for that matter. Owning and carrying a weapon is a very dangerous task for someone who does not have the knowledge it takes to keep the weapon safe, and in the god awful event they are required to use it, they better know the laws as well as have the skill to place the bullets on target versus in a crowd behind the target. Just because a person has a weapon on them does not make them a police officer or give them the right to intervene in any situation they see. Owning a weapon also means you have to keep it in a safe place at home, and when it’s being carried, it should be carried in a safe holster and in a manner that it will not accidentally fire. There have been too many accidental shootings as a result of little to no training.

        When I moved to Virginia I immediately went to get my conceal carry permit. It took me about five minutes to fill out the paperwork and cost about fifty dollars. I was not required to take any further training because I had spent twelve years in the military, but I bet the training is not what it should be. The permit lasts five years too, and at no point am I required to prove that I still know what I’m doing. I can just renew for another fifty dollars and carry forever without continuous training. I know I have proper control and great aim with my weapon and have proven so many times in the military and at gun ranges since the military. Giving someone a weapon that doesn’t have the skills to use it properly could easily result in the death of an innocent bystander, or even the owner of the weapon if it is taken from them. Owning, carrying or even being around a weapon should be taken very seriously at all times. Poor training, storage or mental states (i.e. drinking alcohol) and weapons do not mix. If you feel like you have the right and want to get a handgun, please get and maintain your training on a regular basis.

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